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Sunflower Project - Snakebites and Guilt Science Lyrics

My God, please help me on this one
The signs of occurrences had just begun

My mind is crossing on a pathway and ripping apart
Oblique implications of complicated uneven explicit
Honest way of regrets but repeatedly chosen
Hopelessly progressive or monotonous
Bless this mess

Open your eyes, standout! Cure those snakebites & guilt science
Open your eyes, standout! Cure those snakebites & guilt science

The old stick to its culture with arrogance
The present creates the future with there's no looking back
Don't underestimate even you see them in laying down of arms
Co’z you’ll never know when the blade will point at your heart
Don't underestimate even you see them in laying down of arms
Co’z you’ll never know when the blade will point at your heart
And the pain will tear you apart

Bridge the gap and heal deep wounds end to end
Salvage objective connected from time to time
Give life to those who need to live. Bless this mess

My God, please help me on this one
The signs of occurrences had just begun

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